Saturday 11 October 2008

Saturday Morning blues

Well, I have a free Saturday morning and I don't know what to do with it. Normally I meet a good friend for coffee and we spend hours chatting over the events of the previous week. This week she is going to wedding and boy, am I missing my Saturday morning fix.
I am trying to be a lot more organised with the wedding stationery side of the business and have set hours to work on it. I think it's the only way I will make any inroads into the long " To Do" list I have.
I need to work on a new album of invitations to give to the administrator of Bamburgh Castle show to potential clients.
I am also working on the wording for an advert in a wedding brochure. I have changed it so many times and I am still not happy with it!
I know that's what I should be working on but the smell of coffee beckons.........

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