Saturday, 6 September 2008

What a day........

What a day it has been. It has rained non-stop for the last 24hrs and some parts of the county are flooded.
My husband dropped me at Bamburgh at 9.30 am for the wedding fair. It was held in a marquee on the cliff just below the castle. Well as you can imagine the wind and rain lashed the tent all day and my table was at the opposite side of the marquee to the heater.
We had a total of five couples who were prepared to brave the elements and visit the fair but I did make some useful contacts. Hubby picked me up an hour early because there had been problems reported with the roads.
Indeed, as we drove home roads and fields were flooded, cars had conked out and there was mayhem everywhere. Needless to say hubby has refused to venture out tomorrow.

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